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System Defaults - General

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General Fields:

Automatically complete user initialsAutomatically complete user initials.
Display quantity of quotations on customer actions menuDisplay quantity of quotations on customer actions menu.
Open customer file upon start-upOpen customer file when Move Administer starts.
Open corporate file upon start-upOpen corporate file when Move Administer starts.


Addresses Fields:

CountryDefault country.
Uppercase townUppercase town of address.
Uppercase countyUppercase county of address.
Use Google Maps for mappingUse Google Maps for mapping instead of MSN Live.


Telephone Field Order:

Field (1)Telephone field order 1 (daytime, evening, business (1), business (2), mobile, fax, other).
Field (2)Telephone field order 2 (daytime, evening, business (1), business (2), mobile, fax, other).


Telephone Dialling Fields:

UnsupportedTelephone dialling is unsupported.
ModemUse modem for telephone dialling.
SkypeUse Skype for telephone dialling.


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