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Open Claim

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Claim Fields:

IDClaim id.
NotifiedDate notified of claim and day of week.
ItemsQuantity of items.
Total lossClaim is for total loss.
AmountClaim amount (£).


Claim Form Fields:

IssuedDate claim form was issued and day of week.
ReceivedDate claim form was received and day of week.


Quotation Fields:

IDQuotation id.


Excess Fields:

AmountExcess amount (£).
PaidDate excess was paid and day of week.


Settlement Fields:

AmountSettlement amount (£).
PaidDate settlement was paid and day of week.


Archive Fields:

ReferenceArchive box/file reference.


Details Fields:

DetailsDetails of claim.
Press the button to stamp notepad with user initials, date and time.


Broker Fields:

BrokerInsurance agent.
NotifiedDate broker was notified of the claim and day of week.
ReferenceBroker reference.
Form sentDate claim form was sent to broker and day of week.


SaveClose window and save any changes you have made.
CloseClose window.



You can spell check the claim details by pressing F7.


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